About Us

by FDeditor


To uplift and inform society by publishing quality content that embodies integrity, dignity, and the best of humanity.


At NTD we believe the integrity of our world hinges on the accurate and truthful spreading of information. We dedicate ourselves to provide a source of truth, no matter the odds, and shed light on major issues that the world deserves to know. We cover the stories that others don’t. Our unbiased news provides critical information and insights. Our focused, exclusive analyses cut through the complicated political landscape and provide a clear perspective. We are responsible to society by steering clear of the sensational and producing our news with the utmost integrity.

We try to bring humanity into everything we do and to better understand who we are today by looking at history, culture and our civilization. We are inspired by timeless stories that promote universal values and humanity. We believe that if the stories and ideas we take in embody positivity, we can create change for a better future.

The human spirit is one of positivity, resilience and hope. We believe this spirit needs fuel. That’s why we do our best to provide content that moves you, brings more light into your life and helps you become a wiser, brighter person. If every one of us can foster deeper understanding and compassion towards one another, this world will be a better place.

About Us

NTD is a New York-based global news and entertainment media, founded in 2001. Consistently ranked among the top 10 digital news and media properties in the world, NTD engages audiences by creating and curating content on their digital platforms revolved around information, inspiration, and positivity.

NTD is committed to delivering the latest happening in world affairs through the vigorous development of its news service. Our foundation of providing accurate news to people living under repressive regimes ensures we provide unbiased, accurate news that gives audiences information they can rely on.

Other than traditional news, we have begun to create our own original award-winning content covering digital shorts, full-length shows, and feature films, including documentaries. Our goal is to continue developing our digital content streams across multiple platforms, harnessing proprietary innovations in technology to create better experiences for our audience.

NTD is the expert in creating social community around high impact, positive, brand-safe content. We use technology and smart digital innovation to serve optimized, high-quality content to our audience, wherever they are. This draws a loyal, engaged audience of globally-minded and influential people who passionately interact with and share our content. NTD’s social platforms have grown exponentially since January 2017, inspiring over 60 million Facebook fans. NTD generates 3.9 billion video views every month.