U.S.: Foreigners Attempt to Enter Military Bases Weekly | China in Focus

by EditorR

More Chinese and Russians are attempting to breach U.S. military bases in a concerning trend.

A delegation of U.S. lawmakers is in Taiwan. They say U.S. weapons are on the way, and that the United States supports Taiwan’s new president.

China, Japan, and South Korea are restarting trade talks with the Chinese premier. They’re calling it a “new beginning.” What does it mean for the United States, as Washington sends tariffs soaring on Chinese exports?

Another door could be closing for China. Italy is calling on the EU to follow Washington’s new tariff hike on China in order to protect the bloc’s industries.

  1. U.S.: Foreigners Attempt to Enter Military Bases Weekly
  2. U.S. Lawmakers in Taiwan for Talks with New President
  3. Taiwanese Markets Stay Calm Despite Chinese Drills
  4. China, S. Korea, Japan Hold Trilateral Summit
  5. China, Japan, S. Korea to Restart Trade Talks
  6. EU Pork Could Face Anti-Dumping Probe in China: Report
  7. Italy: EU Should Follow U.S. Tariffs on Chinese Goods
  8. China Sets Up $47B Fund to Boost Chips Sector
  9. Former CIA Officer Pleads Guilty to Spying for China
  10. Government Commission Examines U.S.-China Trade Policy
  11. Taiwanese Exports More to U.S. Than China in Q1
  12. European Beekeepers Call Out Fake Honey from China

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