Doctor Honored and Investigated by Same State For Same Work

by EditorK
By Alice Giordano

In a classic case of one hand not knowing what the other is doing, a Virginia doctor has been awarded a legislative commendation for his study into alternative treatments of COVID-19 just a few days before the state’s medical licensing board informed him he was under investigation for misconduct for the same work.

On Mar. 11, the Virginia House of Delegates unanimously passed HR228, a resolution to recognize Dr. Paul Marik, founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), for what lawmakers called “his courageous treatment of critically ill COVID-19 patients.”

“Instead of playing it safe, and going along with so-called conventional wisdom, Dr. Marik dared to take a truly scientific approach by questioning and innovating in an environment where both were not only frowned upon, but for which he was persecuted,” said Virginia Republican Dave LaRock, the resolution’s primary sponsor.

Just a few days later Marik received a letter dated Mar. 15 from the Virginia Department of Health Professions informing him he had until Mar. 29 to respond to an investigation underway by the agency into his medical practices.

According to the letter, the investigation is based on a complaint from Sentara Hospitals, Norfolk, where Marik ran its intensive-care unit before it suspended him for refusing to prescribe Remdesivir and instead prescribed Ivermectin and other alternative treatments to COVID patients.

In her complaint, the hospital’s credential analyst Lisa Moretti wrote that Dr. Marik had been “precautionarily suspended” on Nov. 18 due to concerns related to professional conduct that could pose an “imminent risk of harm.”

The state also provided Marik with a copy of a Feb. 8 complaint from a 40-year-old Maryland man presumed to be a patient of Marik’s.

The man claims that Marik had “advocated for the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19,” which resulted in his “direct harm.” The complaint says nothing else.

In an interview with The Epoch Times over the conflicting actions by the state of Virginia, Marik said being honored by the Virginia legislature has offset some of the mental drain that allegations of medical misconduct against him have caused him.

“I am honored and personally deeply touched by the commendation by the Virginia legislature,” Marik said. “This has been a very difficult journey for me which has taken an enormous toll.”

Before his work with COVID, Marik was known internationally as the pioneer in the life-saving use of intravenous Vitamin C to treat sepsis, a serious infection that often leads to death under conventional treatments.

Maine doctor Meryl Nass, whose license was suspended in February by the state’s medical licensing board for prescribing alternative medicines to treat and prevent COVID-19 over the vaccine remedy, told The Epoch Times that the contradiction of the simultaneous commendation and investigation of Marik demonstrates that government administrations have “gone rogue … to stifle doctor and patient choice and autonomy.”

“Does the right hand not know what the left hand is doing?” said Nass pointing to legislation passed last week by the New Hampshire house to make human-grade Ivermectin available without prescription. There is also similar pending legislation in several other states.

Like Marik, Nass has lengthy credentials in the field of viruses and vaccines.

Nass is considered a global expert in vaccine-induced diseases and led the successful bid to replace the mandatory anthrax vaccine for active duty service members after it appeared to be making them ill.

Both Marik and Nass emphasized that human-grade Ivermectin has been used by billions around the world over the past few decades.

Through the FLCCC, Marik formulated two protocol treatments for prevention and early outpatient treatment of COVID-19.

One of the protocols is MATH+ an acronym made up of its recommended treatments—Methylprednisolone,  Ascorbic acid,  Thiamine and Heparin. The “+” sign is for adjunct therapies.

The other is called I-MASK, which recommends the use of either Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine with a variety of holistic treatments including black cumin seed, zinc, Vitamin D3, melatonin, and Vitamin C.

In its commendation of Marik, the Virginia lawmakers hailed him for “using repurposed approved Food and Drug Administration (FDA) generic drugs as a strategy to reduce the pandemic death rate, despite continuous challenges and barriers.”

As part of its investigation into Marik’s medical conduct, the VA board of medicine has also asked Marik to provide them with the list of his current and previous employers for the last three years and indicated that failure to do so could be “interpreted as unlawful willful refusal to provide information during an investigation.”

As part of its investigation into Nass, the Maine medical licensing board in January asked her to provide a list of all the patients she has seen for the past six months.

Alice Giordano is a former news correspondent for The Boston Globe, Associated Press, and New England bureau of The New York Times.

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