Enough Fraudulent Votes Identified to Change 2020 Election Outcome: Dinesh D’Souza

by EditorK
By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp

Analysis of cell phone records performed by an election intelligence group shows that thousands of fraudulent ballots were deposited in mail-in drop boxes during the 2020 election, an amount sufficient to change the outcome of the election, said Dinesh D’Souza, director and writer of the documentary “2000 Mules.”

Many people, including D’Souza, were baffled by numerous anomalies occurring in the 2020 election especially by the sudden stopping of the vote count on the election night followed by a remarkable turnaround the next morning, the filmmaker said.

He was reluctant however to accept any supposition of fraud thinking that “an anomaly is an unlikely event.” He pondered that “Trump could have won the bellwether counties and somehow still lost the election. He could have gained with working-class voters and Hispanics, but maybe he lost more suburban voters.

“There are scenarios in which I could see that it’s possible that Trump lost. It wasn’t obvious to me that Trump won,” D’Souza said on EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program.

When D’Souza, a filmmaker, author, and daily podcaster, came across the information collected by an election intelligence organization called True the Vote, it piqued his interest. The group came up with a completely ingenious and novel way to look for fraud and to document it, D’Souza said.

True the Vote has the largest store of election data in the world, said D’Souza, adding that the organization purchased 10 trillion pings of cellphone data in five swing states occurring during the crucial days leading up to the election, from October 1, 2020, through Election Day.

“[The pings] were concentrated in only five areas, the greater Atlanta area of Georgia, the area of Phoenix, Maricopa County, Detroit, Milwaukee, and the greater Philadelphia area,” D’Souza said. “These are the five areas where the election was decided.”

Epoch Times Photo
OPSEC Group’s Gregg Phillips (C) conducted the geospatial investigation into ballot trafficking featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary to be released next week. (Screenshot/2000 Mules)

True the Vote then used a kind of search algorithm to mine the data looking for mules, the filmmaker said.

The FBI and CIA use geo-tracking in the same way in their investigations, he said.

“The term mule is now commonly used in drug trafficking and sex trafficking. The mule is the middleman, the guy who makes the transport,” D’Souza wrote for The Epoch Times.

True the Vote borrowed this term to apply it to the paid professional operatives who engage in dropping off illegal votes and who went to 10 or more mail-in drop boxes, D’Souza explained.

The reason why mules went to at least 10 drop boxes was to ease suspicion of election workers who open drop boxes every day and document the number of ballots deposited, the filmmaker said. If they found that one dropbox contained many more votes than the average number of votes dropped there or dropped in other boxes in the area it would raise suspicions, he added.

Therefore “the mules are instructed to … spread [the votes] around,” D’Souza said.

A rule of tracking only those who visited at least 10 drop boxes was adopted in order to eliminate mistakes, he continued. “It’s possible someone went to one dropbox and they sort of had to stop and tie their shoelace at the next dropbox.” The researchers set the bar pretty high, he added.

Where Illegal Ballots Come From

A screenshot of Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary to be released May 2, 2022. (Screenshot/2000 Mules)
A screenshot of Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 Mules” documentary. (Screenshot/2000 Mules)

To find out where the mules got the votes from, the researchers investigated the connection between left-wing activist organizations deeply embedded in these urban areas where the mules operated, D’Souza said.

The purchased geo-tracking records showed that mules first stopped by at the left-wing organizations, collected a batch or a satchel of votes, and like a mailman, went on a route to drop off the votes, he explained. The deliveries often occurred in the middle of the night between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.

To verify their findings, True The Vote obtained official surveillance videos from the states themselves, D’Souza said.

D’Souza described that mules seen on videos are typically shrouded in hoodies, they look around to make sure they’re not being observed, and then they run up to the dropboxes. Some of them wore gloves to avoid leaving their fingerprints, he added.

Mules often take photos of their hands putting the ballot into the dropbox, D’Souza said.

“They have to show proof that they were there and that they delivered the fraudulent votes. That’s how they get paid, apparently. So all of this is on [surveillance ] video.”

He hopes showing these dealings in a movie makes “some demands on law enforcement because they’re the ones who have to act next,” D’Souza said.

The documentary presents very rigorous math to assess the impact of mules’ activity on the 2020 election, the filmmaker said. But even rough calculation based on the assumption that “2,000 mules stopped at an average of 40 or so drop boxes, dropping in an average of five ballots per drop” shows that a minimum of 400,000 illegal votes have been added, D’Souza said. In Pennsylvania, an estimated 1,100 mules dropped ballots at nearly 50 drop boxes apiece, he noted.

In all five swing states analyzed by True The Vote, Joe Biden’s winning margin varied from a narrow margin in Georgia (about 12,000), Arizona (about 11,000), and Wisconsin (about 21,000) to a big margin in Pennsylvania (about 82,000) and Michigan (about 155,000), according to Reuters. If fraudulent votes dropped by mules were subtracted from the Biden’s column in these states, Donald Trump would have won them, D’Souza said.

However, the ballots dropped by mules cannot be easily associated with voter names because there is no name on the ballot and the envelope with the name and address of the voter is detached from the ballot during the counting process. D’Souza explained. These two pieces can never be reunited so there is no way to identify fraudulent ballots, he added.

Therefore, the researchers tried to identify the connection between mules and “left-wing organizations,” the filmmaker said. One finding was that a number of the mules were Antifa or BLM supporters.

To determine the mules’ affiliation with Antifa or BLM, the researchers analyzed geo-tracking data related to violent riots in Atlanta that coincidently occurred within the same timeframe and tried to match cell phones of mules with cell phones of riot participants, D’Souza said.

D’Souza also noted that although election fraud dates back to the 19th century, the new election rules imposed due to the COVID-19 pandemic created favorable conditions for fraud.

Ballot Harvesting Versus Ballot Trafficking

Epoch Times Photo
Election workers count ballots in Philadelphia, Pa., on Nov. 4, 2020. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

There is a difference between ballot harvesting, which can be permissible in some states to various extents, and ballot trafficking, which is permitted in no state, the filmmaker said.

In the swing states analyzed by True the Vote, the laws for ballot harvesting are more restrictive, D’Souza said. “In Georgia, for example, you can only give your  ballot to a family member, or if you’re in a confined facility to your caregiver.”

“In no state, is it legal to pay anyone, let alone a mule, to deliver a vote … because when money comes into the process, you’ve contaminated the process, you’ve introduced the issue of bribery.”

If mules are paid to deliver ballots, those votes become fraudulent and illegal, and they cannot be counted, D’Souza said.

The involvement of money in mules’ activity has been confirmed by whistleblowers and has been revealed by a mule interviewed in the documentary, the filmmaker said.

Mules often took photos of their hands dropping a ballot into the box, which can be considered proof of completing their jobs for which they get paid, he added, but it is not a selfie that says “I voted.”

The organizations hiring mules are often non-nongovernmental organizations with nonprofit status, D’Souza said. “[Nonprofits] are prohibited by law from engaging in overt election activity.”

Although those organizations are not named in the movie, the filmmakers will cooperate with any investigation by law enforcement, D’Souza said.

“Without free and fair elections we’re not a democracy, we’re basically a criminal cartel masquerading as a democracy.”

D’Souza hopes that his documentary will encourage viewers to think about the evidence it presents. “This is not a movie in which you’re going to hear any shouting or insistences. There’s a range of people expressing a range of views, but it allows you to see for yourself and think for yourself.”

“I’m putting this information out because I want the American people to be the jury.”

Ella Kietlinska

Ella Kietlinska is a reporter for The Epoch Times focusing on U.S. and world politics.
Joshua Philipp is an award-winning investigative reporter with The Epoch Times and host of EpochTV’s “Crossroads” program. He is a recognized expert on unrestricted warfare, asymmetrical hybrid warfare, subversion, and historical perspectives on today’s issues. His 10-plus years of research and investigations on the Chinese Communist Party, subversion, and related topics give him unique insight into the global threat and political landscape.

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