Opinion: Recognizing Reality: A New Study Documents the Chinese Regime’s Aggression

by EditorT

Security personnel keep watch outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology during the visit by the World Health Organization (WHO) team tasked with investigating the origins of COVID-19, in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, on Feb. 3, 2021. (Thomas Peter/Reuters)

By Bradley A. Thayer


In the sweep of history, there are moments in time that capture the true nature of a regime.

The great good that the United States has accomplished in international politics was well captured by the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe in the wake of World War II or the support provided to Southeast Asian nations in the wake of the 2004 Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami.

In stark contrast to the benefits the United States has provided, the Chinese regime defines the opposite. Its human rights abuses, genocide committed against Muslims in Xinjiang, and obfuscation and dissembling about the origins of COVID-19, and subsequent pandemic, are indicators of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

While the world still does not know the full origins of COVID, many believe it almost certainly leaked from the laboratory in China’s Wuhan city. Yet, as long as Xi Jinping and his camarilla are in power, the world will never know its origins. Chinese authorities destroyed evidence of COVID’s origin and facilitated the travel of their citizens to the rest of the world. At the same time, they locked down Wuhan and failed to share information with other governments.

Beijing intentionally lied to the World Health Organization regarding person-to-person transmission, which then repeated this misinformation to health authorities worldwide with untold consequences for global health. Accordingly, epidemiologists and global health authorities will lack a complete understanding of the pandemic and the ability to prevent future ones, as well as additional adaptations of the virus that causes COVID.

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A laboratory technician working on samples from people to be tested for COVID-19 at the “Fire Eye” laboratory in Wuhan in China’s central Hubei Province on Feb. 6, 2020. (STR/AFP via Getty Images)

An insightful analysis that clearly and compellingly documents the Chinese regime’s responsibility for the pandemic is a new study: “The CCP is at War with America: A Team B Report on the Covid 19 Biological Warfare Attack.”

The group of analysts from the Center for Security Policy—termed the Team B III group, after the original 1976 Team B rightfully anticipated the Soviet Union’s intentions and continued Soviet arms racing and expansion, and the later 2010 Team B that addressed Islamic terrorism—have provided the complete account of Beijing’s responsibility for the pandemic.

As with their predecessors, Team B III provided an insightful analysis of the CCP’s belligerence toward the United States and the role COVID played in this aggression. One of the authors, Steven Hatfill, notes that the virus was perfectly adapted to infect humans, which is extremely curious if the virus were a product of nature.

Hatfill notes that since 2007, the Chinese regime has been conducting gain-of-function research to make the virus more lethal to humans. The hideous fruits of this labor are shown in COVID.

The study also notes the adverse and lasting economic consequences for the U.S. economy, including increasing debt, inflation, the supply chain crisis, and, of course, on the U.S. political system—most notably profound effects on the 2020 U.S. election and possible impact on 2022 and even 2024.

The study is significant not only because of its arguments, the attention called to COVID within the context of a biological weapons (BW) attack, and the empirical evidence presented, but also because of its realism. It assigns culpability for the pandemic to the Chinese regime.

Second, it places the CCP’s behavior during COVID in the context of its war against the United States and its allies. While the CCP has been at war with the United States since it came to power in 1949, the 2019 declaration of a People’s War against the United States is a more recent reminder of the regime’s unrelenting aggression against America.

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Customers wait in line to buy water and other supplies, fearing that  COVID-19 will spread and force people to stay indoors, at a Costco in Burbank, Calif., on March 6, 2020. (Robyn Beck/AFP via Getty Images)

Third, the lack of a sufficient response from the U.S. government is that the American people have been betrayed by some of their political elites, who are corrupted by their association with the CCP.

Fourth, there is willful blindness in the U.S. government toward the nature and scope of the threat from the Chinese regime and the lack of a desire within the intelligence community to tell the truth to those in power. As a result, while the American people have a clear grasp of the China threat, the country’s elites have failed in their responsibilities to protect the country from its enemy.

Reflecting on its lasting contributions, the study has provided an accurate and realistic assessment of the motivations and actions of the Chinese regime. It compels analysts to think of the present confrontation with China, not through the lens of the last Cold War with the Soviet Union. Instead, the study lets Americans understand that this current cold war is significantly more challenging to fight for two major reasons.

First, it seems that most of the American elite are sanguine about China’s rise and see it as a partner. During the Cold War, the American elite overwhelmingly was able to assess the Soviet Union for the threat it was.

Second, the book compels us to consider the nature of the CCP’s attack against the United States. This certainly includes the military, economic, ideological, and social confrontation that defined the Cold War. But China consistently employs asymmetric means like facilitating the spread of COVID, shipping precursor chemicals to Mexico to fuel the opioid crisis, dominating the market in antibiotics, or making agricultural land purchases against the United States to weaken it and hasten its defeat.

The study’s authors deserve great credit for calling attention to the nature, scope, and urgency of the threat. The CCP is indeed at war with America, and America’s response is long overdue.

Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of NTD Canada.


Bradley A. Thayer

Bradley A. Thayer is a founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China and is the co-author of “How China Sees the World: Han-Centrism and the Balance of Power in International Politics.”

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