U.S.–China Talks: What Does Each Side Want? | China In Focus

by EditorR

A high-level summit is unfolding in San Francisco, featuring a rare encounter between President Joe Biden and a leader he has openly labeled a “dictator.” What would a successful meeting look like for the United States and China?

Despite the talks, a report from Congress says ties between Washington and Beijing are getting worse. We look at why.

How damaging is Beijing’s campaign of economic coercion? A Biden official is urging countries around the globe to act.

And tickets priced at a whopping $40,000 are on sale to dine at the same table as the head of the Chinese Communist Party.

Topics in this episode:

  1. U.S.–China Talks: What Does Each Side Want?
  2. U.S.–China Rivalry Is Heightening: Advisory Body
  3. $40,000 to Dine with Xi Jinping: ‘Unconscionable’
  4. U.S. Defense Minister Meets with ASEAN Partners
  5. Pentagon: Sec. Austin Won’t Meet with China at Summit
  6. White House Official: Need Global Unity to Combat CCP Coercion
  7. Chinese Firms Still Buying U.S. Chip Equipment: Report
  8. Taiwan Opposition Parties Form Joint Election Ticket
  9. Australian Submarines Vulnerable to Spying: Report
  10. ‘CCP Always Think Military First’: Fleming on China’s Plan to Mass-Produce Humanoid Robots

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