White House Visitor Logs Reveal Meetings Between Hunter Biden Business Partner and Joe Biden

by EditorK
By Nick Ciolino

The White House is so far not commenting on reports that a close business associate of President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, made several visits to the White House while the elder Biden was serving as vice president during the Obama administration.

Eric Schwerin, the former president of Hunter Biden’s now-dissolved investment firm Rosemont Seneca Partners, visited the White House at least 19 times from 2009 to 2015, according to White House visitor log records reviewed by The Epoch Times and first reported by the New York Post.

The logs show that Schwerin met directly with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing on Nov. 17, 2010. And Schwerin also had several meetings with White House aides during times when Hunter Biden was securing multi-billion dollar deals overseas, including in China.

The meetings call into question claims made by Joe Biden that he was not involved in Hunter’s business affairs.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Joe Biden said in 2019.

When asked by a reporter Monday why Schwerin had access to the vice president and what the meetings were about, White House press secretary Jen Psaki did not offer any details.

“I don’t have any information on that,” said Psaki. “I’m happy to check and see if we have any more comment.”

Epoch Times Photo
Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House in Washington on May 22, 2021. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

Schwerin’s involvement in the personal and professional lives of the Biden family was first revealed by the Post citing emails from a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden at a Delaware computer repair store in April 2019.

The Post’s initial reporting on the laptop during the 2020 election detailed how Hunter used his father’s political power as leverage in overseas business dealings. The article was banned for a time by Facebook and Twitter, labelled as “unsubstantiated” by other news outlets and as “Russian disinformation” by intelligence agents and members of the Biden campaign.

The New York Times published a report last month, more than a year after the fact, claiming to authenticate the emails from the laptop by citing anonymous sources.

The White House has refused to comment on the laptop in the wake of The New York Times article.

Republicans in Congress are renewing promises to investigate Hunter Biden with the latest revelations about Schwerin’s access to the White House.

”Not everyone gets to meet the vice president of the United States in the White House. The press should be asking why Hunter Biden’s business associates—like Eric Schwerin—had that privilege and were given access to the Obama White House,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) told the New York Post. “This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s well past time for the corporate media to demand the truth from Joe Biden. The corruption of Biden Inc. must be exposed.”

“It’s increasingly obvious that Hunter Biden’s business revolved around providing access to his father and the highest levers of power. It reeks of pay-to-play. The clear solution is a Special Counsel investigation to fairly investigate the disturbing allegations of Biden family corruption,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) also told the Post.

There is currently an active Department of Justice investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax filings. House Republicans have vowed to subpoena the younger Biden before Congress to answer questions if the party takes back control of the House in 2022.

Nick Ciolino covers the White House.

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