By Conrad Black Commentary A recent countrywide poll on the status of bilingualism has attracted a good deal of comment on the relatively small minority of Canadians outside Quebec who…
ANALYSIS: To Reverse Canada’s Declining Birth Rate, Cultural Changes May Be More Important Than Economic Ones
by EditorKBy Matthew Horwood Tesla CEO and X owner Elon Musk says the “biggest problem that humanity faces is population collapse.” The business magnate isn’t the only one to point out…
Viewpoint: Why Transitioning to Electric Vehicles by 2035 Is Unrealistic
by EditorKBy Gwyn Morgan Commentary The federal government has mandated that all new light-duty vehicles be electric by 2035. Achieving that goal would require vastly more electrical generation capacity and an…
The CCP has yet to lift 800 million out of poverty. By Antonio Graceffo Commentary Given the World Bank’s poverty level for China’s current income level, more than 40 percent…
ANALYSIS: Canada, Allies Push ‘Gender-Inclusive’ Aid to Ukraine as War Maims, Kills Mainly Men
by EditorKBy Adam Brown When Canada announced $3 billion in aid to Ukraine on the anniversary of its invasion by Russia in February, one item that drew some attention was a…
Excess Deaths in Japan Hit 115,000 Following 3rd COVID Shot; New Study Explains Why
by EditorKBy Joe Wang Commentary A new study on harms resulting from the COVID vaccine was published on April 8 in the U.S.-based peer-reviewed medical science journal Cureus. It represents the…
Preston Manning: Why the Federal Bureaucracy Must Be Reined In by a Newly Elected Government
by EditorKGiven the growth of the civil service today, the chief opposition may increasingly come from unelected public officials—’the opposition of officials.’ By Preston Manning Commentary In Canada’s democratic political system,…
Viewpoints: Lord of the Lies: A Pediatrician’s Take on the Latest Child Gender Transition Research
by EditorKBy J. Edward Les, MD Commentary Last week’s release of the Cass Review brought to memory the old jingle: “Liar, liar, pants on fire; your nose is longer than a…
Cory Morgan: Declaring an Emergency Over the Eclipse Is Over the Top
by EditorKBy Cory Morgan Commentary When I heard the Niagara Region had declared a state of emergency over the solar eclipse on April 8, I had to double-check to ensure I…
VIEWPOINT: Venerable Bede: The Brilliant Scholar Instrumental in Reviving Western Civilization After the Fall of Rome
by EditorKBy Michael Bonner Commentary The impetus for the revival of Western civilization after the fall of Rome can largely be ascribed to one man. In the 7th and 8th centuries,…